American Coil Spring Co.

Equipment Surplus to Future Manufacturing Requirement of American Coil Spring Co., Featuring: Large Selection of Torrington and Sleeper & Hartley Spring Coilers, Baird & Nilson 4-Slides, OBI Presses, Toolroom Equipment, Plant Support and Much More!
Nilson Four Slide, Model S-4F, S/N 33075, 1/4" cap, Split & Solid Cams
(6) Nilson Four Slide, Model S-3F S/N 97390, 71190, 57030, 32197 & N/A , 3/16" cap.
Nilson Four Slide, Model S-3 S/N 81680, 3/16" cap., Solid Cams, 1 Vertical
(6) Nilson Four Slide, Model S-2, S/N 83130, 76721, 69510, 38210 & N/A, 1/8" cap.
(4) Nilson Four Slide, Model S-1F, S/N 74415, 72650 & 63470, 3/32" cap.
(2) Nilson Four Slide, Model S-1, S/N 66280 & 36411, 3/32" cap.
Baird Four Slide, Model 2, S/N 1605-244, 1/8" cap.
(6) Baird Four Slide, Model 1 3/32" cap.
Baird Four Slide, Model 00-RWI, S/N 5507-19, 1/32" cap.
Torin Four Slide, Model T-3-S, S/N 154607, 3/16" cap., Shell Cams, 2 Verticals
Torrington Segment Coiler, Model W125A, S/N 93004, .207" cap.
(4) Torrington Spring Coiler, Model W115A, S/N 102920, 119141, 178711, 178735, .112" cap.
Torrington Spring Coiler, Model W100A, S/N 138515, .015" cap.
Torrington Segmet Corter Spring Maker Model W12A, S/N 99480, .148" cap., Torsion, 1 Plane Straightener
(7) Torrington Spring Coiler, Model W11A, S/N 73751, 127217, 178741, 67376, 104291, 113203 & N/A, .072" cap
(5) Torrington Spring Coiler, Model W10A, S/N 117992, 123297, 126336, 138300 & 88105, .028" cap.
(2) BHS-Torin Spring Coiler, Model W115A S/N 6537 & 7900, .112" cap., VF Drive & Elec Clutch
(2) Itaya Model D7E,.028" cap.
(3) Itaya Spring Coilers Model D7, S/N 3735, 4840 & 4398, .028" cap.
(8) US Baird Spring Generators Model 1, .034" cap.
Sleeper & Hartley Clutch Type Spring Coiler Model 318, 6 6" Feed Rolls
(5) Sleeper & Hartley Cont. Spring Coiler Spring Maker Model 254, Torsion
Sleeper & Hartley Optimum Feed Spring Coiler, Model 1/2 - 790 S/N 4812642, .042" cap.
Sleeper & Hartley Optimum Feed Spring Coiler, Model 1-1/3-791, S/N 12744-15, .105" cap.
Samuel Popcorn Coiler Model 1-1/4, S/N 4621762, .062" cap.
(2) Samuel Model 0 Segment Spring Coiler S/N 25352778 & 25889779, .040" cap.
Samuel Segment Spring Coiler Model 1, S/N 4806163, .072" cap.
(9) Torrington Torsion Coiler, Model W3001, S/N 101607, 111010, 90089, 86183, 87821, 74549, 69540 & N/A, .080" cap.
(5) Torrington Torsion Coiler, Model W3000, S/N 159951, 131413, 119095, 104468, 100286 .041" cap.
(7) Sleeper & Hartley Torsion Coiler, Model 1-731SA, S/N 12554, 12938-392, 259-12355, 105-11871, 12455, 12629 & 12931, .072" cap., Electric Clutch
(3) Sleeper & Hartley Torsion Coiler, Model 1-731A, S/N 111-11867,110-11867 & N/A , .072" cap., Electric Clutch
(4) Sleeper & Hartley Torsion Coiler, Model 1-731, S/N 189-12154, 73-11775 & N/A, .072" cap., Electric Clutch
(7) Sleeper & Hartley Torsion Coiler, Model 1-614, S/N 614-345-11882, 614-246-100, 8131, 10010 & N/A, 4-Slide, .0625" cap.
Sleeper & Hartley Torsion Coiler, Model 0-730, S/N 15-12199
Sleeper & Hartley Torsion Coiler, Model 0-607, .0258" cap.
(4) Sleeper & Hartley Torsion Coiler, Model 1-1/4-638, 2-Slide, .080" cap.
Wafios Ring Roller with Welder Model WSR1, S/N 22510OL2
(2) Sleeper & Hartley Looper, Model 1-227, .0625" cap.
(2) Sleeper & Hartley Looper, Model 2-285, .162" cap.
Besly Vertical Spindle Spring Grinder Model 918, S/N 918-30-042, 10 HP, 30" Grinding Wheels, 50" Feed Wheel
(3) Besly Vertical Spindle Grinder Model 905-18, S/N 905-18-199, 905-18-198 & 905-18-031, 18" Grinding Wheels
Besly Vertical Spindle Tandem Disc Grinder, Model DV9, S/N DV24-B10T, 24" Grinding Wheels, 40" Feed Wheel
Fadal Vertical Machining Center, Model 914-VMC15, S/N 9110274 (1994), w/4th Axis
1986 Komatsu 35 Ton OBI Press, Model OBS35-3, S/N 12091, 3.15" Stroke, 60-120 SPM
Bliss 35 Ton OBI Press Model C-35 S/N HF49604-H65715, 10 3/4" Shut Ht, 3" Stroke, 2 1/2" Adj
Kenco 20 Ton OBI Press, Model A202-095-200, S/N 88-064 Back Geared, Air Clutch, Gordon Brake Monitor
Minster 16 Ton OBI Press Model 2, S/N 2-9449, 2" Stroke, 1 3/4" Adjustment, Air Clutch
Press-Rite OBI Press
V & O OBI Press
Precision "Flexopress" 15 Ton Gap Frame Press, Model HPC-15, S/N 562105, 300-900 SPM, Air Clutch, Dipro 1500 Wintriss Die Protection Control
Bridgeport 4 HP Series II Vertical Milling Machine, S/N 5281
Bridgeport 2 HP Vertical Milling Machine, Model Series I, S/N 12BR-187580, 9" x 42" Table, Power Feed, DRO
(2) Bridgeport 1 1/2 HP Vertical Milling Machine S/n 112BR169682 & 12BR-154583, 9" x 42" Table, Power Feed, DRO
Van Norman Universal Mill Model IRO-3-22, DRO
LeBlond Engine Lathe, Model Regal, S/N N/A, 15" x 48" Center Distance
(2) Reed Prentice Sliding Gear Head Engine Lathe, 14" x 36" Center Distance
Grob 24" Vertical Band Saw
DoAll 16" Vertical Band Saw, Model ML, S/N 4610733, Blade Welder & Grinder
Wells 5 1/2" x 12" Horizontal Band Saw
Delta Gang Drill 15", 2 Spindle Type Table, W/ Wisconsin Multi Spindle Drill Head, Pneumatic Feed
Arboga Radial Arm Drill Model ER-830, S/N 235035
1987 Kent 16" x 40" Hydraulic Surface Grinder, Model GS-410A11D, S/N 870457-1, Electro Magnetic Chuck
Okamoto 12” x 24” Hydraulic Surface Grinder S/N 7869, Neutrofier Magnetic Chuck Control
Covel 6 x 18 Surface Grinder, Model 15, S/N 15-1020, 4" x 8" Chuck, PMC
Harig 6” x 18” Surface Grinder S/N 9031-W, Model 618HF
Harig 6” x 12” Surface Grinder S/N 18020
Brown & Sharpe 10" x 24" O.D. Grinder Model 1024U, S/N 521-1024-244, 2 HP Wheel head
Pexto Shear
Bud 5U Spring Cycle Tester, 5 Stations
Carlson Spring Tester Model CPT-200, S/N 94
Carlson Torsion Tester Model MTT-2, S/N 148, 20Lb Cap
Deltronics 14" Optical Comparator
Kodak 14" Optical Comparator
(3) Scherr Tumico 14" Optical Comparator
(2) Gage Master 12" Optical Comparators
J & L 5" Optical Comparator
Master View Comparator
1990 MSC 20" Floor Type Drill Press, Model 951245, S/N 190078C
Clausing 15" Floor Type Drill Press, Model 1671 S/N 519526
Electro Arc Disintegration Machine W/ Model LBH Head
Support Items: Drill Press, Arbor Presses, Vises, Chucks, Collets, Double End Grinders, etc
Ramco Parts Washers, 3-Station Set Up
Better Engineering Rotary Parts Washer
(2) Paint Spinner W/ 6-Baskets
Wheelabrator Finishing Machine
Globe Tumbler, 19" Opening x 28" Deep
(3) Motorized Tumbling Barrels
Spiro-Therm Dual Unit Electric Oven Model DU1224I, S/N 163, 15 KW, 2200 Degrees F, Inert Gas Type, Argon Liquid
(2) Blue M Electric Ovens Model POM 20666, 18" x 18" Chamber
Blue M Gas Oven, Model IGF-7780G-4, 1100 Degree F, S/N IFG-137
(2) Blue M Oven 480V Model POM20666, S/N P144167, 18 x 18 x 18
Despatch 1000 Degree F Gas Oven, Model V-34TT, 109057, 200,000 BTU, 36" x 36"
Despatch 850 Degrees F Conveyor Oven, Model PCE2-94, S/N 91636-7, 30" x Approx 30
(2) Lindberg Furnaces, (1) 24" Gas, (1) 16" Electric
Grieve Electric Oven, Model AF850, S/N 370263, 24" x 24" x 36"
JN Electric Oven 15" Conveyor Type S/N 2007
(5) Blue M and Power-O-Matic Electric Ovens, Various Models
(50+) Budget Electric Chain Hoists 1 & 2 Ton; Centrifugal Parts Dryer 16" Dia, x 16" D; Craftsman 10" Table Saw; Dake H-Frame Press; Dayton 30” Shear/Brake/Roll; Di-Acro #3 Manual Bender; Dung O-matic SMFLX0147 Flexislide; Econoline Shot Blast Cabinet; HIS Parts Stacker Model PC100; Micro Butt Welder Model J5S; New Holland K24 Centrifugal Spinner; (8) Kick Presses, (3) Table Benders, Dust Collectors, Electric Hoist, Carts, Dollies, (50+)Shop Fans, Werner Fiberglass Ladders, Liquid Storage Cabinets, Perishable Tooling, Electric Hoists, etc.