6/1/2010, Advanced Metals Technologies

By Order of the Court Appointed Receiver for Advanced Metals Technology, Featuring: Metal Processing and Metal Finishing Equipment
Branford, Connecticut USA
1998 International 4700 Box Truck, Model DT466E, Morgan Box, 138k Miles
Patterson Kelly Dual Cone Rotary Mixer
(3) Rotex Screeners Model 221A
Sullair 50 HP Rotary Screw Air Compressor Model 12B-50
Crown 3,000 Electric Stand Up Forklift Model 30SP36PL
Torit Dust Collector Model DFT-4-32, Cartridge Type
Olympus Microscope Model BH-2-UMA
Struers Rotopol-22 Polishing & Grinding System w/Struers Rotoforce-4 Control
(2) Keith Lab Mills, 3-Roll, 8" Width
Vac-u-Max Low Velocity Material Handling System w/Blowers, Filters and Hoppers
Mettler Toledo Digital Lab Scale Model AG204 Delta Range
Wurlitzer Piano
Bausch & Lomb Stereo Zoom 7 Microscope
Assortment of Carbon Steel Separation and Mixing Vessels