6/9/2011, Greystone Graphics

By Order of Greystone Graphics, Inc., Complete Closure of Commercial Printing Facility, Including: Mitsubishi L1100 Web Press, Man Roland 906 Sheet Fed Press, Komori L640RP-III Press, Complete Bindery, Prepress Department and Plant Support
Kansas City, Kansas USA
Man Roland 906 Sheet Fed Printing Press, 42" x 55"
Komori L640RP-III Sheet Fed Printing Press
Mitsubishi L1100 Web Printing Press, 8/C, 38" Width
Royal Zenith Zephyr 420 Web Printing Press, 6/C
Harris L560B Sheet Fed Printing Press, 5/C, 43" x 60"
MBO B32S Perfection Series Dual Feed Folders (2-available)
MBO Palamedes BA700 Stacker/Bundler (2-available)
Muller Presto Saddle Stitcher Line, 8-Pocket
Polar 137 54" Paper Cutter - Jogger/Lift/Transomat
Complete Bindery Department
Complete Prepress Deparment
Plant Support