Wednesday, January 8, 2014 10:30 AM (ET), Victor Graphics

Outstandng Offering of Book Manufacturing and Printing Equipment, Complete Plant Closure of 115,000 Sq. Ft. Facility, Including: Web Printing Presses, Sheet Fed Printing Presses, Perfect Binders, Saddle Stitchers, Paper Cutters, Folders, CTP System, Packaging Machines, Forklifts, Delivery Vehicles, Plant Support, etc.
Baltimore, Maryland - USA
Muller Acoro A7 Perfect Binder, 18-Pockets, 22-Clamps, New 2005
Muller Normbinder 3004/S2 Perfect Binder, 12-Pockets, 31-Clamps, New 1999
Muller Preston Saddle Stitcher, 6-Pockets, Cover Feeder, New 2003
Heidelberg SM74-5P Sheet Fed Printing Press, 91 Million Impressions, New 1996
KVA Planeta V26A Offset Perfecting Press, 38" x 50", New 1994
Goss Urbanite Heatset Web Press, 45.5" x 36", 2-Available
Kodak Nexpress 2100 Digital Printing Press, New 2005
Horizon BQ270 Perfect Binder, New 2005
MBO B26 Folder, 4/4/4, New 2003
Polar Mohr 137-E Paper Cutter, New 1998
Polar Mohr 155-EMC Paper Cutter, New 1984
Polar Mohr 115-EM Paper Cuter, New 1996
Shanklin A26A Packaging Machine, New 2000
Nordson Pro Blue Hot Melt Glue System, New 2005
Equipment Location | 1211 Bernard Drive Baltimore, Maryland 21223 |
Auction Type | Live Onsite and Webcast Auction |
Auction Date | Wednesday, January 8, 2014, 10:30 AM (ET) |
Inspection | Tuesday, January 7 (10 am to 4 pm) |